How to update using import excel in Web Product Data
This will show you how to easily update multiple web items in just a few steps. You just need to have the excel with CSV, XLSX, XLS format.
Step-by-step guide
Click on arrow and select Products
Search the style or the line of items that you want to update web product data
As you can see, it already has item information in the product screen, however the web product data is on another screen.
Click the WEB green button to show the Web Product Data. This pop-up will appear, you can see that there was no data on the screen for the item.
Please note that you have the option to manually edit the fields (highlighted in red) within the pop-up window. However, this guide is specifically designed to assist you when performing bulk updates using the bulk import data steps.
4. To update the web information, at the bottom of the screen click the Style Importer button. The new pop-up will appear. Click the Update Existing tab.
In the pop-up style importer, you need to add the file drag and drop the import fields to the Field Matcher from left to right.
NOTE : If you are going to use this screen and update the Website Product Data regularly, it is advisable to create a Template, so it will save time in drag and drop the item in the fields, you just do it once.
eg. I create a Web Product Data template and save, so every time I need to update, I just select this template. Also, make sure to change the 2. What will you update to ‘Update Web Product Data’ - it will only show the fields from the Web Product Data Screen.
Once done, click the Import button, and it will show you the progress of the importing. Just give it a little time if you are to update more items.
Once done it will show you the pop-up message. Click Close.
Search for the Style again and double check if the Web Product Date, you will see that the style Description was updated, from Test Description 1 to Knitted Top wit Garter, it has web site description, tags, Page Titles and Meta Description on the screen.
NOTE : If the item is already existing in the web updater screen, you need to redrag the item so the changes will be populated on the web updater. because the importer only updates the web product data and does not auto populate the item in the web updater.
When you add the item again in Web Updater this pop-up will appear, showing that the style has been updated.