How to add product images

How to add product images

There are 2 ways to add product images depending on what works best for you.

OPTION 1 - Adding images directly onto website updater

  1. Once your products are dragged onto the website updater click the EDIT button on the right hand for the colour you want to add.


2. If your images are saved somewhere on your computer, open the relevant folder up.
Drag and drop your images into the section below
The images will appear as being uploaded one at a time, give it a few seconds for it to fully load.

Now you are ready to proceed to the next - check out our article on how to update style descriptions in the previous help doc.

We can store any number of website images here.

We recommend images under 800kb.

OPTION 2 - Adding images in product search

Another option is to upload your product images against the product. This might be helpful if later down the track you decide to have another website and then your images are stored to the relevant products - you are all ready prepared. It also means you can create your own database of images within the system.

What to do:

  1. Open product search up and locate your product or collection

  2. Change to LIST VIEW

  3. Ensure that you have a column called WEB IMAGES visible. (contact Indigo8 and we can help you turn that on!) Click 0 and a box will appear as per below

4. Ensure you have your folder of stored images open.
Start to drag & drop your images into the boxes.
Give it a few moments for each image to load.

We can store any number of website images here.

We recommend images under 800kb.

5. Once that is done, repeat the same process for the rest of your products.

Eventually the image count will increase, see below.


6. Now you are ready to drag your product across. You will notice that the images have dragged across as well.



How to reorder image positions

To change the order is super easy:

  1. Click EDIT on the product

    2. Then if you want the 3rd image to be in the 2nd position, just drag it to the required position

The result will look something like this



Please note: if this product is already exported, and you shuffle the image order in the system, you will need to re-export the product to Shopify for the sort order to change.
Please be cautious when doing this because if you have edited information in Shopify for that product, and re-export the product from the system, you will experience data being overwritten. Contact Indigo8 if you’re not sure what to do.

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