Disabling inventory updates of a style

Disabling inventory updates of a style

There might be scenarios where you want your styles to display active on Shopify with no inventory.
(The most common scenario is to display a ‘COMING SOON’ badge on the Shopify front end, but you don’t want the customer to be able to purchase the item yet.)

There is a setting on the Website Updater product called ‘Exclude from Inventory update’, that once turned on will disable all inventory updates for that style on the website.


- Once turned on, if the inventory has already been updated to the Shopify style, you just need to delete the inventory qtys in Shopify admin, and I8 won’t override that change.

- When you are ready to launch the product the setting will need to be turned off, saved and then do a manual inventory synch to send the qtys to Shopify.

NOTE: If you are using that setting, it’s recommended you run a regular status check for that setting.
This would be the first check when investigating issues with styles where you believe inventory is not updating. Use the ‘Exclude from Inventory Update' status search, which will show you all the styles being excluded from inventory updates so you can easily identify styles where the setting hasn’t been turned off.


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