Web Inventory Updates

Web Inventory Updates


Indigo8 has 2 processes to update your inventory:

  1. Automatic Inventory updates
    When there is a change to available inventory in Indigo8 we insert the items to a queue. Then queue is processed to update the Shopify inventory every 3 mins

  2. 2am Inventory update
    The 2am update is the backup to correct inventory discrepancies if anything is not matching. At 2am each day we compare the available inventory for all styles that are connected by your website updater to the Shopify inventory. If we find any discrepancies the Shopify inventory will be updated to match Indigo8 inventory.

If you want to check to see if your automatic inventory updates are working you can check the inventory adjustment logs in Shopify Viewing a product's inventory adjustment history in your Shopify admin

Indigo8 Inventory adjustments will look like this in Shopify


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