Searching Items in a Warehouse
To check the details or make adjustments to a style or styles within a warehouse, you will need to search for it first.
There are a number of pieces of information you can search by, for example, Supplier, style ID or Purchase Order Number.
You can also narrow the results of the search by ticking a relevant check box. Each of these fields and check boxes will be explained below:
Step-by-step guide
1. Click the Arrow and select Warehouse
2. Click the Warehouse Name on the warehouse you wish to search in
3. A pop up window will open. Along the top of the window is your search bar.
The below diagram is an explanation of what each field is for. For example, if you knew the Style ID of the item you were searching for you'd type it in the Style field. Alternatively, if you want to search for the styles on a particular purchase order number, you'd type the Purchase order number in the PO# field.
You can choose to search by one field only, or if you want to narrow the search further, you can search by more than one field at a time.
For Example, I have an existing style in the warehouse, to search the style you need to type the style number in Style text field, style PS1079-VWHT and click the Search button, it will show on the warehouse.
If you have to check All the styles that exist in the warehouse under a Line, then you can use the Line dropdown. Just select your Line and click the Search button and it will show all the style under the selected Line in the warehouse.
You can also checked the styles under the Supplier. Just select the Supplier and click the search button. All the item displayed in the warehouse are using the same suppliers.
If you would like to search for the specific PO, just unticked the Consolidated checkbox, to enable the PO text field and you can type the PO number, then click the Search button.
4. Next you need to consider whether you would like to tick the check boxes. Here is an explanation of what ticking each check box does:
Checking this box will mean that regardless of how many purchase orders the style appears on, it will be displayed one line per color.
Note : It is also default checked in the screen.
Leaving the box unchecked will show the style across at least as many rows as there is Purchase Orders against it. If the style has more than one color, there will be more rows.
Include Items with Zero Stock Qty - Check Box
Checking this box will mean that styles that have zero stock quantity will be displayed
Leaving the box unchecked will mean that styles that have zero stock quantity will be excluded from search results. The screen will only shows the item with Stocks.
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