Arriving Stock into a Warehouse

Arriving Stock into a Warehouse

This section goes through how to arrive your purchase order quantities into your warehouse.

This is necessary so that you can add stock quantities into your warehouse and allocate to your wholesale sales orders, your integrated website or your point of sales system.

This is also necessary for invoicing so that your stock levels accurately reflect to the stock that is available.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Select Warehouse module.


You will notice that this module is divided into 2 sections at the top of the screen: Arrive Purchase Orders and Dispatch. For this section, we will focus on the Arrive Purchase Orders.

2. On the Arrive Purchase Orders screen, search for the Purchase Order that you wish to arrive. You can search using three methods:


  • By PO# - Search for all the styles that is pertained to the purchase order number.

  • By STYLE – Search for all the Purchase Orders which pertain the entered style number. Please note, if you search “129”, it will bring back any style numbers which contain this number such as “TX129”. It is highly recommended to be as specific as possible for ease of use. 

  • By Line – Search for all the Purchase Orders which contain the selected collection.


3. Select Search after your selection has been made.


4.  Select the styles you wish to arrive using the checkboxes on the left hand side.


If you have two or more pages of stock you need to arrive in the warehouse, you will need to arrive one page at a time.



5.     Select the warehouse you wish to arrive the selected styles to.


6.     Click Arrive after the selection has been made. 


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