Web Order Dispatch Process

Web Order Dispatch Process

  1. Go to the Warehouse screen


  2. The screen will open to to the Arrive Purchase Orders tab. You will need to select the Dispatch tab instead.


  3. Once on the Dispatch screen you can search for all Web orders that need to be dispatced by selecting Web from the Type drop down menu. Once this is selected it will load all Web orders.


  4. To print the Packing List you can either select particular orders by ticking the box next to the SO number or you can select all web orders by selecting the top tick box highlighted below. Once the desired orders are ticked, select the Pick Ticket button and a pop up window will appear with a list of options to print.


  5. Select Packing List from the menu options and then select Print.


  6. If there’s more than 1 order selected this will consolidate all selected orders to 1 PDF so that it’s easy to print.


  7. Once your Packing List has loaded you can select what you would like to do with it by choosing from the right button options.


  8. Once the items in your order have been picked select the Deliver button on the order to open the order.


  9. This will open the order so that you can enter in the packed quantities either automatically, manually or using scan pack.

    Automatically - You can automatically fill the packed quantities by selecting Auto Fill With Assigned/SO Qty on each style. If you would prefer to auto fill all styles on the SO then you can select the Auto Fill With Assigned/SO Qty located down the bottom of the screen.

    Manually - Completing it manually allows you to enter in the quantities yourself by typing the quantity into the Packed row

    Scan Pack - This allows you to scan the barcode which will automatically fill the corresponding style, size, and colour.

  10. Once all styles in the order have been packed press Save at the bottom of the screen.


  11. You will see on the Dispatch tab that there will now be a quantity in the Packed column rather than the Allocated column.

    Prior to being packed:

    After being packed:


  12. If there were any styles that couldn’t be fulfilled there will still be a qantity showing in allocated. These styles will be labelled as Back Ordered on the SO and can be fulfilled at a later date.

  13. Once your order is packed and the correct qty is showing on the Dispatch screen then it’s time to invoice the order. Invoicing can be done a number of ways and will depend on wether you have a shipping integration also.

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