iPad Printer instructions for STAR MICRONICS (bluetooth receipt printer)

iPad Printer instructions for STAR MICRONICS (bluetooth receipt printer)

  1. Plug in the Star TSP100 printer and turn it on.

  2. On the iPad go to the Settings >> Bluetooth and add the TSP100 printer. It should look something like the screen below.


  1. On the iPad to go to this link to get the STAR TSP100III utility.

    Or in the app store search on STAR TSP100


  1. Install the app.

  2. Open the star utility app and go to Settings, click on the Selected Device section and make sure it is connected to the printer. Whatever the printer is called, click into it


  3. Click on the BLUETOOTH SETTINGS.


  4. Take note of the ios PORT NAME.


  5. You can now close the Star utility app.

  6. Open indigo8 POS app and go to Settings >> General >> Printed Receipts. On this screen do the following.

    1. Make sure the tick box is on for TURN ON PRINTED RECEIPTS

    2. Enter the ios port name that you wrote down in step 7 above into the SET BLUETOOTH PRINTER NAME.

    3. Press SAVE.


  7. To test the printer is working, open a previous sale and press the print receipt button.


Side note: Make sure that the the below is ticked and working too.

Go to Tax & Numbers > Turn USE TYRO INTEGRATION on > Then also make sure the integration is turned on for the card options below.

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