How To Create A Layby Sale

How To Create A Layby Sale

  1. To create a Layby sale you first need to begin by creating a sale. Click on the Sale screen from the home page.


  2. A customer will need to be attached to the sale so that you can come back to it when a payment needs to be made. This can be done by typing the customer’s name into the Customer field if they have already been added as a customer or you can select the Add button if you need to enter in their details.


  3. To add the product to the sale you will need to click on the Blue drop down and select from Barcode, Style ID or Style Description. If scanning a barcode make sure the cursor is in the text box next to the drop down and then scan the products barcode.


  4. When you search for the product, everything matching your search will open in a new window. From here you will need to select the colour and size you wish to add to the sale and it will then appear on the sale.


  5. Once your products have been added to the sale and your ready to take a payment towards the layby then you will need to click on the Layby button down the bottom which will turn green once selected. You will notice that once you have selected Layby it will show the minimum payment amount required (this is based off your layby settings).


  6. To pay a minimum payment toward the Layby click on the blue ‘Customer to Pay’ button and a choice of payments will show.


  7. Once you select the payment method the customer will be paying in, a new field will appear where you can enter the amount being tendered and the amount being applied to the Layby.


  8. If you need to give the customer change then you would enter the amount the customer is paying in the Amount Tendered and then add the amount the customer is paying towards the Layby in Apply to Layby. Select Pay Now to process the payment.


  9. Once you have applied the payment to the sale you will see that a comment will appear showing the payment date and amount and an amount will appear in green next to Paid. The total owing will also reduce.


  10. Once the first payment has been taken you can then simply close the sale.


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