How To Take Additional Layby Payments

How To Take Additional Layby Payments

  1. To take an additional Layby payments for a Layby sale you will need to select the Layby screen from the home page.


  2. You will need to search for the Layby that you are wanting to make an additional payment towards. This can be done a number of ways:

    - Receipt Number
    - First Name
    - Last Name
    - Mobile Number
    - Invoice Date
    - You can use one of the Quick Search options (Last 5, Today or This Week)


  3. Once you have located your customers sale you will need to click on it so it becomes green and opens behind the pop up customer search window.


  4. To take the additional payment click on the blue 'Customer to Pay button and select the payment method that the customer is paying in.


  5. Once you have selected the payment method you then need to enter the amount into ‘Amount Tendered’


  6. Once done you will see that the additional payment has been added to Layby comment box and the amount paid will change as well as the amount to pay.

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