
Allows customers to place items on layby with Pret-a Pos. 

Step-by-step guide

To make a Layby payment you must be have initiated a Sale and added items to that sale.
Initiate a Sale Instructions

Make a Layby Payment

  1. Search for a Customer
  2. Click on Layby at the bottom of the screen.

    Note: If you have no done Step 3 - Search for a customer. You will be prompted to do so.

  3. Enter any relevant  comments into the Layby Comment box
  4. Click on Customer to Pay in the bottom right
  5. Make a payment
    1. If using Cust Credit, Voucher or Card follow the instructions for that payment type
    2. If using cash then select cash
      1. Enter the amount tendered in the Amt Tendered Box
      2. Enter the amount to Apply to Layby in the Apply to Layby Box

      3. Click on Pay Now