Receive Purchase Orders By Shipments
This procedure is a guide on how to use the billing screen to create shipments prior to receiving purchase orders into the warehouse.
Staff are responsible for following the steps detailed in this procedure and for any activity as defined below.
Step-by-step guide
Please select the scenario that applies to you from the list below to be taken to the relevant part of the article:
Purchase Order
Click on arrow and select Bulk Purchase Orders
From here you can use the filters to search for the purchase order that is required. Clicking on the purchase order will open the following screen, this will show details of the purchase order.
When the invoice/packing list is received from your supplier this may be entered by selecting ‘Receive’.
Please note that at this stage the pack list quantity is blank and that the order will not display on the warehouse arrive tab.
Receive billing
When receive is selected you will be presented with the following pop up.
The key information that needs to be entered here is:
Bill number – The bill number supplied by your supplier
Air Way Bill – The Shipment tracking number
Bill date – The date the bill was made
Bill due date – The due date of the bill
Invoice quantity – The quantity invoiced, this will match the packing list quantity
Once the bill has been saved the invoice quanty will populate the pack list quantity on the purchase order.
Multiple shipments may be added to reflect orders that have been split, as the additional shipments are added the packing list quantity against the purchase order will be updated.
Using receiving billing removes the need to process back orders when receiving in shipments.
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
The “Arrive purchase orders” tab can be found in the warehouse module. The arrive tab shows a list of shipments that are due to arrive into the warehouse. This gives visibility to the warehouse team of what is expected.
Search the PO# in the PO fields and click the search button.
As the receive billing screen has been used it is best to think in terms of shipments which are linked back to a purchase order.
The shipment number is shown here with the related packing list quantity and tracking number.
When the shipment is due to arrive it may be moved into unverified deliveries. This is the prompt to the warehouse that there is a shipment that requires put away and receipt.
To do this select the shipment, the warehouse and then select “Arrive”. At this stage if the warehouse is integrated with a 3PL a notification will be sent.
Please note that at this stage there has been no adjustment to inventory.
Unverified deliveries – Book in stock
The unverified deliveries screen shows stock that has arrived into the warehouse but has not been added to inventory.
Click the Unverified Deliveries of the warehouse. Enter the PO# and click the Search button.
This screen will display the PO and line item, the shipment number and the ASN quantity, these fields are linked to the shipment that is to be checked in.
When a shipment is in unverified deliveries it is visible on the pick and pack iPad app and also to the 3PL.
Clicking on the blue “Rcvd’ quantity will open the following screen.
The book in quantity showing here will be the quantity that is added into SOH. This can be populated manually, through receiving on the iPad or from the data received back from the 3PL.
Once populated your normal allocation process may be followed by selecting “Check in (Manual)” or “Check in (Auto)”
Check in auto - will allocate the stock to sales orders and will add the stock into inventory.
Check in manual - will allow you to determine which orders receive an allocation of stock. “Fill All” will allocate based on the order that the orders are displayed, alternatively individual orders may be selected.
Once the allocation is complete “Confirm Allocation of Stock to Orders” can be selected.
The stock has now been added to inventory.
Bills and Purchase order details
Click on arrow and select Accounts
Navigating to the accounts tab will allow you to review what has been received compared to what was ordered and what was invoiced.
Click the “Bills” tab will show the following
From here we can see the bill number, due date and the quantity that was billed alongside the value.
The “Purchase orders” tab will show the value received to date in comparison to the value that was billed. This can be seen on a unit and $ level.
Further information
If you have any concerns or questions about this process, please speak with your manager