Transferring Stock Between Warehouses

Transferring Stock Between Warehouses

If you have more than one warehouse, there may be occasions when you would like to move stock from one warehouse to another. We'll step you through how to do this:


  1. Click the arrow and select the Sales

  1. On the far right hand side of the sales screen, there will be MENU burger, click and select New Transfer in the top right corner



  1. Once you select New Transfer it will take you to the Transfer screen which will look like this:



  1. The first step is to select the warehouse that you would like to move the stock from in the Transfer From drop down. Directly below that is where you select the warehouse that you are transferring the stock to.



  1. Just next to the warehouse section is where you need to select the Price Type (this will typically be Buy Price) and the Trading Entity.

  1. Once you have entered all of the transfer details in at the top, it’s time to add the styles that you are needing to transfer. This can be done a number of ways so it’s best to decide what works for you.

    1. Typing in the Style Number (If you have more than 1 colour per style then it will add both the colours under that style name or number)


b. Scanning in the Barcode - you will noticed it will also add a quantity in the size, if you continue clicking the Search button it will increase the quantities in the size for the scanned barcode.


c. Dragging the style from the Product Screen

Note: It is important that you are in Image view in the product screen, and you selected the style (it will have blue highlight) before dragging into the screen, you can multi select the items too.


d. Selecting styles from the Product Screen and click the Get Items button
Note: It is important that you are in List View in the product screen, and you check the box of the style you can multi select the items too and click the Get Item button on the Transfer stock screen.



  1. Once you have added the styles to the Transfer Screen you can then add in the quantities that you are wanting to move from one warehouse to another. You can also noticed the total Item to transfer per style.



  1. Once the quantities have been added in and you’re ready to complete the transfer you can select the Process Transfer button down the bottom right corner.

Note : After selecting the Process Transfer button a warning pop up will appear letting you know the total qty of pieces you are transferring. The pop up also lets you know that you will need to Arrive the stock into your warehouse before it will appear in your inventory. If you’re happy to proceed select Yes.



  1. Another pop up window will appear, this one will let you know if your transfer was successful. Click Close once you have reviewed this screen.




  2. After closing this pop up it will take you back to the Transfer Screen where you can then print your Packing List by selecting the Print Packing List button at the bottom left of the screen. You can then preview the packing list and see your allocated PL number for this transfer, and also print your packing list if you need to physically pick the stock to transfer to the other warehouse.

You can check the create PL number at the top of the screen and in the generated report.



Once you have processed the transfer and you are ready to arrive the stock into your warehouse you need to do the steps below.


  1. Click on arrow and select Warehouse


2. Find the warehouse you were transferring stock to and select Unverified Deliveries. Once selected, a new window will appear.



  1. You can search for Unverified Deliveries 2 ways:

    a. Click the Search button (This will bring up ALL order in Unverified Deliveries)


b. Searching for the specific PL number (This will bring up styles on that PL only)
- Do this by selecting TRANS from the ANY drop down and typing in the PL number
- You will notice that when searching this was you can see the PL number will show under PO



  1. If you received all quantities requested then you can select the Auto Check In button. It will process and the style will arrive and remove in the Unverified Deliveries.



Once the transfer has been checked you can refresh your warehouse and the stock should now be in your inventory!




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