End Of Day Report

End Of Day Report

  1. To get to the report menu first click on Reports in the top right corner of the home screen and type in the pin

  2. Click on End Of Day Report from the top of the drop down to open it

  3. The first section to be complete is the electronic payment methods e.g. Credit Cards, Eftpos, After Pay, ZipPay. The actual amount counted will go in the Actual column for each payment method. Underneath that will then show the total card value.

  4. The next section to complete is the cash. Ensure the float amount has been entered so that the cash count is accurate.

  5. The counted amount can be entered into the Counted field

  6. If the count is out this is where you would enter it. You can see that when a lesser amount is entered it will show the difference. A note can be left in the Cash Comment if there is a specific reason why the cash is out.

  7. If the Eftpos payments are out of balance then this would be noted in the Actual column of the card section. You can see that when it’s not balancing the report will let you know in red.

  8. In the bottom left corner you can see a further breakdown of all sales, refunds, gift vouchers and credits used.

  9. Once everything is complete then it’s time to complete the report by pressing the green Finalize button down the bottom. This will open a pop up to make sure you want to finalize the EOD report. If for any reason an End Of Day report needs to be unlocked again please contact Head Office.

  10. Once the report is complete a red note will appear in the bottom right corner with the date and time.

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