Add Extra Charges

Please follow the below steps to add an extra charge e.g. Freight, Tailoring

Adding an Extra Charge

1. Click on Extra in the bottom left of the screen.


2. Select an extra charge from the pop-up box.


3. Once you have selected the extra and hit the close button you will see that the selected extra is populated at the bottom of your sale

How to Remove Extra on the Sale

Click the Remove on the Description of Extra Items


Extra charges are fully customisable in the POS Manager Settings accessible by clicking Settings in the top right-hand corner.

How to add Extra Charge Item

  • Make sure you are Login in the System

  • Go to Settings >> General Tab >> Extras

  • Click " + " to add a new extra item


  • Add the Description and Value in the box and click Save


  • To edit the Extra Charge description or value, click EDIT then Save.