Scan Order to Dispatch

Scan Order to Dispatch

This screen will explain how the scan pack in dispatch works.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the arrow and select Warehouse screen

  1. In the Dispatch Orders tab, look for the Sales Order, and click the Search button.



3. When you click the Deliver button, the Invoice for Sale order number tab screen appears.



3. Click the "Enable Scan Pack" label, the Scan Barcode Text field appears, and you can scan the GS1 code.



4. After entering the Gs1 code, press enter, and 1 quantity will be automatically added to the Packed box.



Remember that you can only scan the same number of pieces as you have in your SO quantity. It will display a message if the number of pieces is exceeded.



5. You can Save or Generate an invoice after scanning the Gs1 code on the screen.



6. If you save the quantity after scanning and return to the dispatch screen, reload or search the SO again, the scan pack quantity will appear in the dispatch screen and the other quantities will be moved as Backorder.



Please also note that you can also use the scan pack in the Invoice tab.

You need to Go to Sales Order, open Invoice tab and click the "Enable Scan Pack" label and do the same process.




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