Updating Buy, Wholesale & RRP Prices through Excel

Updating Buy, Wholesale & RRP Prices through Excel

How to format the excel spreadsheet when updating prices:

  • The system allows you to import your style information through xls, xlsx or csv

  • Must use the STYLE NUMBER as the reference when importing prices - No other product information is required

  • Make sure there are NO blank rows at the top - The column headings need to be in Row 1 of you excel spreadsheet

  • The filters need to be removed

  • The discount column needs to be a number eg. 30 not $30

  • The price field can't be 0.00 and can't include $ format

  • The percentage and the negative can’t be on the spreadsheet

  • An individual spreadsheet must be created per Trading Entity - Only one Trading Entity can be updated at a time via import

Step-by-step guide

  • When importing using excel file the only mandatory fields required on the spreadsheet are Style Number and the Price Fields.


  • Keep in mind that you only need to display the price values that you need to update. e.g. If you want to update Buy Price only, then your excel spreadsheet will only need to include Style Number and Buy Price columns.


  1. Once your file is formatted, you are ready to import. Go to the Product Search screen


  2. Select Style Importer at the bottom of the screen and a new window will open


  3. Select the Update Existing tab. Your screen should look like this:


  4. Select what you are wanting to update from the second drop down and make sure you choose the Trading Entity you are wishing to update from the last drop down.


  5. Drag the xls, xlsx or .csv file to the Import Fields column. Once you have dragged your file over the headings on your excel will automatically display in the Import Fields column.


  6. Drag your fields to the Field Matcher column one by one. Then match your fields with the fields listed under the Indigo8 Import Fields column. i.e. The field Wholesale from the imported excel file will be inserted/updated to the field Wholesale Price in Indigo8.   


  7. Once all fields are matched correctly, click the Import button down the bottom.


  8. Give it a few moments and you should get a similar screen to the below and you're done. You will then need to refresh your line to check that your pricing information has been updated as per imported excel file.

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