How to Assign a Pack Size to a Style

How to Assign a Pack Size to a Style

  1. Go to the Product screen

  2. Look up your line or Style #

  3. Right-click on the style you want to create a pack for and select Data Entry from the menu.

  4. Once the Data Entry window opens, click on the Sizes tab



  5. Next to the size range, you'll see a column titled Pack.

    Tick the box next to Pack to set the quantity for each size in the pack.

    Once you've entered the quantities, hit Save at the bottom

  6. After enabling Packs for this style in the Data Entry screen, you'll need to assign a barcode to the pack.

    To do this, right-click on the style and select Barcodes. In the barcode screen, you'll see an additional size called Packs with no barcode assigned.

    To add a barcode, simply click the Assign GS1 Codes button

  1. Now that your pack is set up, head to the Sales screen and create a New Indent Order

  1. Fill in the customer details and add your style to the sales order.

    When the style is added, all boxes will be greyed out except for the Packs field. Enter the number of packs here, and the size quantities will automatically populate based on your setup in the Data Entry screen.

  2. If the customer wants to buy an extra size small without purchasing a whole pack, simply add the style to the sale again.

    Then, click on the size range above the color (e.g., ‘XS-XL’). This will unlock the quantity fields, allowing you to order individual sizes.


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