How to add Care Code in a Style

How to add Care Code in a Style

Care code are the internationally recognized symbols which are used for caring of garments in case of cleaning and ironing. These labels on which these codes are drawn or printed are called care labels.


So to use and add this care code per style, below are the steps. 

  1. Go to the Product screen,

  2. Search the style or line you want to add care codes.


If the Care Code field is not showing in the list view, please turn ON the settings. 

To show the Care Code in the List View

  • Go to Edit Visible Fields, 

  • Check the Care field, 

  • click Save

The little arrow on the side will show the list of Care Codes along with the other fields. 

  1. Once the Care is turned ON, you can select the styles and edit them. The care code dropdown will show, and you can select it and save it in style.

  1. If the line has the same care code for the style, you can use the c2a (copy to all) function to add care codes in all the styles for a specific line. You can also use the copy and paste function located beneath the dropdown. Then Save changes.

  1. Once saved, it will show up in the list.


How to print a Care Label

Please note you will need to speak to an Indigo8 account manager to set this up.

  1. Select your products/collection


  1. Enter the quantity per SKU that you want printed and then click PRINT CARE LABEL.

  2. Then select the template you wish to generate such as PRODUCTION TEMPLATE click PRINT once done.

  1. It should print out a PDF which you then send to your CARE LABEL printer to print off.
    Can look like something as per below:


How to generate a report with Care Code


To generate a report containing Care Codes, use the Style Export Builder.

  1. Search for the style.

  2. Select the style with care codes.

  3. Click the Style Export Builder.

  4. Drag and drop the Care or Care instructions field.

  5. Click the Export button.

It will generate a report with the care code. 


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