Pre-order process and managing the pre-order inventory

Pre-order process and managing the pre-order inventory

Indigo8 has an automated pre-order process that allows the user to pre-sell specified quantities of a style.
It works using a ‘Pre-order’ warehouse which is used to allocate the units you would like to make available to sell.
If you are selling your pre-order styles on your website, the Pre-order warehouse inventory will be included in the quantities I8 sends to Shopify just like your live inventory. When the order is processed, Indigo8 will look for the warehouse that holds the inventory and assign warehouse on the shipment to the Pre-order warehouse



Step-by-step guide


Please select the scenario that applies to you from the list below to be taken to the relevant part of the article:


Pre-orders will require the set up of a dedicated warehouse. This can be done in the contact screen.

  1. Click the Arrow and Click the Contacts

  2. Click the Suppliers, using the ‘Suppliers’ tab and then click the 'Add Supplier' button

  3. Add the supplier field, then change the Type by selecting Warehouse, add the other needed information in the fields before you click the Save button


On the 'Others' tab in the warehouse can then be set as a “Pre Order Warehouse”

It is important that the pre-order warehouse is then linked to the live warehouse from which the orders will ship. To do this open the setting for the main warehouse, navigate to other and then enter the linked pre-order warehouse here and Save.


1. Add the inventory to your Pre-order warehouse. You can adjust it into the warehouse, or transfer the inventory from an SO#
2. To make stock available online the pre-order warehouse must be included in the warehouse settings, combined stock tab.

  • Click the arrow and select the Warehouse

  • In the Burger Menu, click the Settings


  • In the pop-up warehouse setting, click the Comb Tab


  • Select the Customer Website


  • Search the Pre Order Warehouse and click the Add button - it should show in the Combined Warehouse list

- If you are using Shopify location ids they must also be included a buffer may also be added. 

3. Export the pre-order style to Shopify as per usual.
- Any front end communication to identify the style as a pre-order style is not handled by I8.
eg. you could put it in the product title and description.



When an order is placed stock will be allocated against the pre-order warehouse. Example:

If non-pre-order items have also been ordered they will be created on a different delivery and can be shipped immediately. 

There are also the following options if the advanced warehousing module is being used. 

To check you can go to the Web Pick n Pack, in the burger menu select the WPP Maintenance, then go to Settings and select the Pre Order tab.

  • These options allow you to only show preorders when all items have arrived and are ready to ship or to set this rule only for specific countries. 

  • The final option allows you to hide orders that may have a free gift with purchase until the pre-ordered item arrives. 



The “Arrive Purchase Orders” tab can be found in the warehouse module. You can search here using the filters across the top of the screen for the PO that is to be checked in

To check in the purchase orders you must select the PO lines and the warehouse they are to be checked into before selecting “Arrive” button. 

If the item exists in the pre-order warehouse and there have been orders placed the following pop up will appear. 

Please select the styles which you wish to move to the live warehouse and select “Confirm PRE-ORDER Check In”. 

At this point stock has not yet been received and the sales orders remain against the pre-order warehouse. 



Navigating to “Unverified Deliveries” will allow you to book the stock into inventory and to move across any orders. 

Purchase order lines linked to pre-orders will display in GOLD. 

Selecting the received quantity will open the following pop up. Please enter the stock quantity that is to be booked in and then select “Check In (Manual)” 

This will take you to the “Allocate to SO” screen. Selecting “Load WEB/STD Pre Orders” will display all pre-orders which require allocation, they will be displayed in GOLD. 

Stock can be allocated to these orders by either selecting “Fill All” or by selecting “Auto Fill” on a line level. 

To confirm the allocation you must select “Confirm Allocation of Stock to orders”. 

The next step is to confirm the quantity which is to be removed from the pre-order warehouse. 

  • Arrived Qty = The quantity arrived on the PO 

  • Allocated Pre-order Qty = The quantity allocated to the sales orders 

  • Remove Style completely from the pre-order warehouse = The full quantity held in the pre order warehouse. 

Unless you wish to continue selling on pre order removing the style completely is recommended. 

The stock will now be available in the warehouse and the orders will have been moved across for picking. 

If you require a demo or for Indigo8 to assist with the setup and testing contact your Indigo8 Account Manager.
Time beyond 1 hour may be treated as a formal training session.

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