Allocating Stock to Sales Orders

Allocating Stock to Sales Orders

  1. Go to Warehouse screen 



  2. Click Search on the WAREHOUSE NAME such as ANGE SUPPLIER where the stock is located

  3. Once you select Search, the Warehouse pop up will open. From here you can search the entire warehouse by selecting the search button or you can search for a specific Line, Style or PO number.

    Click Search once done and your search criteria should appear for you.

  1. To see the sales orders that need allocating for the styles, click the number under the Alloc column.

  2. Click on the SO# that needs to be allocated. And then click on the REASSIGN ALLOCATED QTY button.


Once you click REASSIGN ALLOCATED QTY a new window will appear, this is where you can assign the available stock to the Sales Orders. 


You will need to select CLEAR ALL on the Allocated row - this will put all available stock to the top so that you can allocate it.

Once the available quantities have moved to the top you can then select AUTO FILL on the Sales Order you want to allocate and this will then assign the quantities to the Sales Order from the Available stock quantities.

Once it has been assigned you need to click the REASSIGN ALLOCATED QTY button and it will allocate the stock for the sales order.


To check that you have successfully allocated the order go to the DISPATCH tab and search for the sales order. If it has been successfully allocated then it will turn green and there will be a qty under the ALLOCATED column. You can dispatch the Wholesale order as normal.


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