How to add Sales Order via Folder

How to add Sales Order via Folder

In the excel file we have multiple drops so the system has detected there are few styles which have the same drop. We automatically detect this and then display this as per below. You can then give the SHIP and IN STORE date as required.


We also have the ability to upload a folder that contains all of your excel files which you can import in one go. Just ensure all your excel files are stored in one folder.

Click Add Folder > find your folder > Click OPEN

You will notice your excel files appearing on the left hand side

Click into the file you want to import until it goes ORANGE and fill in the details as required.

Once all the details are entered you can import the file.  Click IMPORT.  Wait a few seconds and your sales order number should appear. 

You can either click CLOSE if you have no more files to import OR you can click NEXT if you have more files to import (such as this example)

If you have more to import we automatically highlight the imported file as GREEN and the one ready to be imported in ORANGE.

Follow the same steps to import the file.

Once all files are imported click the CLOSE button. This will prompt you to save a PDF copy of your sales order. Select YES or NO appropriately.


You can always download the PDF at a later stage if needed.

You will be promoted to re-save the file name or you can keep it as it is. We automatically append the sales order number in front of the customer name to make it easier for you to refer later on.

We then store the PDF file in the same location as where you imported your excel files. 

Well done! You have imported your orders. You can do a quick search to check the orders.

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