Using Sales Exporter

Using Sales Exporter

Exporting sales information can be useful for management reporting.

It involves searching and retrieving sales orders that contain data you want to export, you will then select which data from the sales orders you want and then this will be transferred to a spreadsheet. 

Step-by-step guide

1. Open the sales screen


2. Search sales orders (you can refer to Search Sales Orders for more detail) .
Simple Search - Select the customer MYER, then change your STATUS accordingly, TYPE STD/WEB/POS etc. Hit SEARCH once done.


Advanced Search - Click the MENU icon top right and select Advanced Search.
There are many options here so select what is needed.
More common ones are CREATED DATE, LINE, STATUS, TYPE, ENTITY. Hit Search once done.


3. Click Sales Exporter button at the bottom of the page



4. A new window will open.  
In the left hand panel, labelled FIELDS THAT WILL APPEAR ON EXCEL, there is a list of fields you can include in your export.
Drag the items you wish to include to the middle panel. 



5. Set up your settings along the top of the window, moving left to right until you have all the fields you need.

You can use this search option here to help you.
For example, search SO in the search field here and anything containing “SO” should appear on the options.


6. If you want to consolidate the data, check the box next to 'Consolidate by' and select the item which you want to consolidate by from the drop down list.
When you do this it means the DATA will CONSOLIDATE based on the SO# or CUSTOMER etc.

Tick the CONSOLIDATE BY option to save your selection.


6. Click Export button. Then wait for the pop up to be 100% and click OPEN FILE


The data is exported now as something as per below:

  1. If you’re happy with the fields you dragged you can save it as a template so you can use this report going forward.
    Click the Add button here

  2. Enter the name at the top in and click Save


    Click EDIT if you need to change the name or click DELETE if you want to delete the template.


    You will see your saved template will appear on the drop down to be used in the future.



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