Style Exporter

Style Exporter

The system allows you to export a whole range of style data to a spreadsheet. For example, a common way to use this feature is to create a price list for your collection.

Step-by-step guide

1. Go to Products screen



2. Search for the style or line (to search line put the cursor on the textbox and hit enter or search for specific style) then select which line for which you want to export information.


3. Select styles individually by clicking on them, or select all styles retrieved from the search by checking the box next to select all



When you select a style, the bottom quarter of the style should change color to blue. In the image above, the two styles on the left are selected.


4. Click Style Export button at the bottom

 5. A pop up window will open. Decide which fields you want to appear on your spread sheet. Click on the field in the left panel, and then drag it to the middle.  You can also search specific fields that you need in the export so you dont have to scroll them down.

6. Check the settings along the top of the window, moving left to right.

  1. The first field is the template drop down box. To add a template refer to the Templates section below.

  2. Next is the T. Entity drop down box. This is where you select a trading entity, and if there are prices on the report, they will reflect the currency of the trading entity.

  3. Finally, you can choose to have headers on the export by checking the box next to 'Display Headers on Export'. This will mean that there will be a heading on top of each column explaining what data is in each. 

  4. in PC we can include the Style image in the exported file

7. Click Export

The file will open. 



If you will be regularly exporting a file with the same headings, it could make the process quicker in the future if you were to create a template. For example, if I regularly exported a file that had the fields Style Number, Color, Size Range and RRP inc GST, then i would save this as a template. 

  1. Drag the fields that you regularly used

  2. Click the ADD button

  3. Type in what you wish to call your template

3. Click Save at the bottom of the window

4. You will notice that the template has been saved in the template drop down list.


 If you want to delete a template, select it, then click on the garbage can to the right of the template box.


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