How to Search for Purchase Orders
Method 1 - Bulk Purchase Orders
1. Click Bulk Purchase Orders
By STYLE – change the LINE drop down here to STYLE
When you do this it will detect if the given style number is allocated to specific purchase orders.
By PO# - you can filter down your search result by a single purchase order number.
By LINE - you can filter down your search result by searching a on a particular line or collection
By SUPPLIER - you can filter down your search by supplier that is assigned on the purchase order.
By SHIP/BOOK/LAUNCH/ARRIVE/CREATED DATE - you can filter down your search by ship dates which is the date assigned on the purchase order.
Typically you would search on a date range period or you can be specific and search on a single date.
Method 2 - Through the Sales Order
If you want to see which purchase order number a sales order belongs to please follow these steps.
1. Search and open up the sales order.
You will notice that the sales order that the purchase order number appears directly underneath the reference image.
3. Once you have opened up the purchase order you can edit the order or make any changes as required.