How to update prices on Sales Orders from another Trading Entity
If there have been price changes after your sales orders have been entered below details how to do this.
If you also need to change the trading entity on the sales order (due to a mistake or agreement has changed) below also notes this.
1. Click on click into Sales and locate your sales order to open it up.
2. If you need to update or refresh your prices, select another trading entity (do not stress we will be change the trading entity back).
In this example you can select USD.
3. Locate your original trading entity. In this example we have selected AUD.
Ensure you select UPDATE PRICES.
Once that is selected all the prices should be updated.
4. If you need to change the trading entity altogether on the order, all that you need to is change the trading entity.
Then select Update Prices. Don't forget to re-generate your sales order.