Editing a Sales Order

Step-by-step guide

1. Open the Sales screen

2. Search the sales order you want to invoice. Click the + button  to open it.

3. Edit the details of the order. You can edit any of the details, including but not limited to:

  • Remove Style: by clicking the red x - Please note that only orders with no PO's against them will be able to be edited. In the example below, there is one style with a PO, and one without. The red cross will only appear with the style that has no PO against it. 
  •  Add a style: open product search on the other screen, click on style you wish to add, and drag onto sales order
  • Change Qty/Price: by typing in the new figure
  • Add extra charge/discount
  • Alter settings

4. Click Generate SO

5. A pop up window will open.

  • The Leave as is button will update the invoice and it'll appear as SO # 15336 - V1 ( meaning version 1)
  • The Increase Version button will update the invoice and also increase the version and it'll appear as SO #15336 - V2 (meaning version 2). The system keeps a log of versions (see Version Log information below).
    • If you're increasing the version, it's a good idea to write a comment in the box explaining why you changed the order for future reference. 

6. A new window will open showing a preview of the Sales Order, you can choose to save, email or print the sales order.

Version Log

If you clicked Increase Version when regenerating a sales order, you will have more than one version of the sales order. There will be SO # 4 - V1 and SO # 4 - V2.

When you search for the sales order in the sales screen, the most recent version will be displayed. To view older versions follow the following steps:

1 Open the sales order

2. Click Version Log button at the bottom of the screen

3. A pop up window will open. Click on red icon to view either sales order PDF.

Editing Allocated Units on a Sales Order

  1. Open the Sales order
  2. Click on 'Inventory' on the sales order.

3. A pop up screen will appear which will show you the avaliable stock in the warehouse. Amend the units in the white cells and click 'Assign Inventory'

4. Now you have amended the units on your order, go to the bottom of your screen and click on 'Allcoate stock to Order Items'. When your stock is allocated, it will turn green.