Editing a Sales Order

Editing a Sales Order

There are a number of reasons why you may want to edit a sales order after it's been generated. Examples including making an error or a customer making a request to change their order.

Step-by-step guide

1 Open the Sales screen

2. Search the sales order you want to invoice. Click the + button  to open it.

3. Edit the details of the order. You can edit any of the details, including but not limited to:

  • Remove Style: by clicking the red x - please keep in mind you can only remove an item from an order that does not have a PO against it. You will see in the below example that there are two styles on the order, one with a PO number and one without. The red x will only appear on styles without PO's 
  •  Add a style: open product search on the other screen, click on style you wish to add, and drag onto sales order
  • Change Qty/Price: by typing in the new figure
  • Add extra charge/discount
  • Alter settings

4. Click Generate SO

5. A pop up window will open.

  • The Leave as is button will update the invoice and it'll appear as SO # 4 - V1 ( meaning version 1)
  • The Increase Version button will update the invoice and also increase the version and it'll appear as SO # 4 - V2 (meaning version 2). The system keeps a log of versions (see Version Log information below).
    • If you're increasing the version, it's a good idea to write a comment in the box explaining why you changed the order for future reference. 

6. A new window will open showing a preview of the Sales Order, you can choose to save, email or print the sales order.

Version Log

If you clicked Increase Version when regenerating a sales order, you will have more than one version of the sales order. There will be SO # 4 - V1 and SO # 4 - V2.

When you search for the sales order in the sales screen, the most recent version will be displayed. To view older versions follow the following steps:

1 Open the sales order

2. Click Version Log button at the bottom of the screen

3. A pop up window will open. 

4. Click on red icon to view either sales order.