How to bulk update style fields using Style Importer

How to bulk update style fields using Style Importer

Below are the steps on how to bulk update style fields such as categories, HS codes, suppliers and prices.

Steps to walk you through:

  1. You will need to prepare an excel spreadsheet with the STYLE# and then also the actual field you want to update such as SUPPLIER. The final result is something as per below.

    You can have as many fields as you need on one excel, it just depends on what you want to update.



  1. Go to Products > Style Importer > Update Existing

  1. Drag your excel on the first column

  2. Click ALL FIELDS and the below fields will appear on the right hand side

  3. Match the fields. So drag your excel fields across and then match the Indigo8 fields across also.
    You must drag STYLE NUMBER as this is your primary identifier.
    Click here to see a glossary of all the fields so you know what to update against

  4. Once your happy with your selection, click Import

  5. The below field will appear and the products would have been updated.


    Go back into products and refresh your screen to see your changes updated!



If you have the SAME STYLE NUMBER across different products you will need to do the below.
You will need to use STYLE NUMBER and COLOUR as your identifier for importing.

For example, if you have 3 seperate products but have different colours as per below, the below steps should be followed.

  1. Ensure your excel is entered as per below

  2. Make sure you drag the field called COLOUR.

    Make sure you drag STYLE # and COLOUR for every field you are updating.

  1. Click IMPORT at the bottom once your happy with your selection.


If you need to import prices please follow this help doc here.


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