Linking Joor Customers with Indigo8 with Shipping Codes

Linking Joor Customers with Indigo8 with Shipping Codes

The way to connect Joor customers with Indigo8 is through a shipping code which is a unique number.

Both numbers need to be added in both systems in order for the orders to be imported with the correct customer.


How it works:

  1. Go into the customer card and select financial tab and enter in the Joor Ship Code. This should be a unique value.

2. Once the code is added onto a customer we also need to add that in JOOR.
Log into Joor and select Connections > My Current Connections

3. Search for your customer & click into it


5. Ensure the code is added as per below under the field called “CODE”

If the shipping address doesnt exist, just click ADD ADDRESS below and enter this in.


5. IMPORTANT: Make sure this setting is turned on when importing orders from Joor to Indigo8.


6. Another good idea is to turn on the below option in settings > general > customers.
Once all the shipping codes are added in both Joor & Indigo8, find out what the last number is and enter this in the below screen under “START NUMBER”

When you enter your next new customer, it will insert this number into the customer card.


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