Deleting and Removing Information from the System

Deleting and Removing Information from the System

Indigo8 Lite has a feature where you can assign the status of an item to either Active or Inactive.
An active status is the default setting and means all regular settings are available for the item.
An inactive status means that the item cannot be used as per usual but all the details of the item are kept on the system, with the option of being set to active at a later time.

There are many different items in the system that use the feature and outlined are the steps for managing Users, Products and Sizes below:

Step-by-step guide

1. Users

a) Set User to Inactive

1 Click the user's row in the grid

2. The Personnel Information window will pop up. Click on Username & Password tab within the window


3.  Click Inactive from the User Status drop down

4. Click Save

5. You will notice their contact row has been removed from the grid


b) Retrieving Inactive User for informative purposes or to reset to active

1 Tick the box beside Include Inactive Users and it's optional to enter some first letters of the name you're searching for in the box


2. Click Search

3. The grid will now display inactive users

4. You will be able to see their details in the row

5. For more details click on their row, the Personnel Information window will open where you can retrieve details and also reset their status to Active by following the instructions in a)

2.  Products (Style tab-> Products sub tab)

a) Set User to Inactive

1 Click Set to Inactive button on the row of the item you wish to inactivate


2. The product will be hidden on the grid

b) To view inactive products or reset to Active

1 Click  Show Inactive


2. Both active and inactive products will be displayed in the grid

3. To set to active click Set to Active


3. Sizes (Styles tab->Sizes sub tab)

1 Click Set to Inactive 


This will mean that when you're creating styles this size range won't appear as an option.

2. To set it to Active click Set to Active



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