How to Invoice per Sales Order

How to Invoice per Sales Order

You can invoice customers directly from the Sales order screen, or in bulk from the warehouse screen. 

Creating Invoices from the Sales Order Screen
  1. Search the sales order you want to invoice and open the order

  2. At the top of the screen you will notice there is an invoice tab, click this

  3. Fill in the Packed Qty by clicking AUTO FILL WITH SO QUANTITY or AUTO FILL WITH ALLO QUANTITY
    SO QTY means you are packing the order based on the ordered quantity. In our example below it will be 9.
    ALLO QTY means you are packing the order based on what is ALLOCATED. For example, if you could only give the customer 8 in stock, the quantity that would appear here would be 8

    Please be mindful what option you use here. If you click SO QUANTITY and don't have enough STOCK, your inventory will go into negative.



    Otherwise click AUTO FILL on the style level if you are only invoicing PORTION of the order.



    When you are selecting auto fill with allocated quantity, the quantity you have reserved for that style should automatically appear here. If it doesn't, it means the order is not allocated.

  4. Whatever option is selected, click SAVE at the bottom of the screen. Once done the items will be marked as FULLY PACKED on the far right side. 



  5. If you want to add FREIGHT onto the order click ADD EXTRA at the bottom of the screen.



    Put the word FREIGH or SHIPPING and apply a price on the far right.
    If you make a mistake you can always go into the invoice and adjust the price.



  6. Click GENERATE INVOICE for a regular invoice OR click GENERATE INSL for an INVOICE NOW/SHIP LATER invoice


  7. The invoice screen will appear which you can save or email out.


    You will notice the quantity has been moved from PACKED QTY into INVOICE QTY.


    And your invoice is then set to INVOICED.





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