Creating a Deposit Invoice

Creating a Deposit Invoice

Creating a Deposit Invoice per Sales Order

  1. Search the customer in Contacts and on the Financial tab
    Check the Deposit Required box and input the Percentage the customer is required to pay.
    New sales orders created for marked customers will automatically appear on the deposit required list.

  2. Create a Sales Order or locate an existing Sales Order that will require a deposit payment and click into the Invoice Tab
    Click Deposit Invoice (bottom left corner)

  3. It should automatically load the amount / deposit % otherwise enter a FIXED AMOUNT in the 2nd box below.
    Click Generate Deposit Invoice once done

    4. Your deposit invoice number will now appear in the Invoice Tab and you can print, save or email this invoice to the customer.



Creating Deposit Invoices in Bulk

The below will explain how to create a deposit invoice in bulk so you don't have to create this one by one

  1. In the Sales Screen select the Deposit Tab
    All orders from Customers awaiting the creation of Deposit Invoices will appear in here

    2.  Select the orders that require deposit invoices and click Generate Deposit Invoices (bottom left corner)

  2. Once created, they will be highlighted in green and the invoice numbers will be generated.

  3. You can also email the customers a PDF copy of the deposit invoice if you wanted just click Email Selected Invoices 
    Click Edit Email Layout to check the email layout


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