Add or Move Styles to an Existing Line
There may be occasions when you want to move or add a style or styles to an existing line.
1. Click the arrow and select Products
2. Search for a style number or by line.
4. Right click on the style that you want to add and select Add or Remove to Existing Line. Note that you can move/add multiple styles to an existing line by left clicking on as many styles as you would like to move or add, then right clicking on one of these styles to select Add or Remove to Existing Line.
5. A pop up window will appear. Select the Line you would like to move or add the styles from the drop down list and click Save.
6. Once the Save button is clicked, wording will appear to let you know that the styles have been ‘successfully assigned to line/subline’.
7. To see if the styles have successfully moved to your new line you can select your line from the drop down and check the styles if its moved there.
How to remove a style from a collection
This will remove styles from a line so that they are no longer sitting in a collection anymore.
1. Select your styles and follow the above sequence.
2. The only difference is to not select anything from the Main Line drop down and click the Remove From Main button down the bottom left of the screen.
3. Once you select the Remove From Main button your styles should automatically be removed from the collection