How to add Styles onto an existing Purchase Order
Click one of the arrows and select Sales Order Allocation
Search the LINE or COLLECTION/Sales Order number/Supplier to bring up the sales orders
Once it has appeared tick the orders and click Create PO (top right)
3. Make sure there is a date as per below. Make sure the currency is also selected.
Click Add to existing PO
4. Enter or adjust the purchase order number.
Select COMBINE or SEPERATE. In most cases you want to select COMBINE. This means if there are styles already on that PO, and the new quantities you are adding to that PO, it will CONSOLIDATE the data onto the PO.
Click Allocate once done
5. Select YES
After your selection has been made your purchase order will appear for you to review. If the changes made are correct click the Generate PO PDF button bottom left of the screen.