Field | Explanation |
When | When the action actually happened |
Action | This explains the screen where it happened- important! Some common examples: Arrive PO# - stock added via a purchase order Add New WH - manually added stock in the warehouse Update Stock - manually adjusted stock in the warehouse Invoice - Invoice creation which will reduce units Void Invoice - reverse invoice - have the top option to put stock back or to leave stock as it is |
Sizes | The size range against the product |
Before Change | This is the stock quantity before the action was taken place |
After Change | This is the stock quantity after the action was taken please |
Variance | Negatives indicate reduction of stock |
Total PCS | Total in reduction or increase of stock |
Actual Price Sold | Typically indicates the price in which the item was invoiced at. Normally recorded for invoice transactions. |
Changed By | Indicates the user making the change (Glass User) |
Screen | Tells you which screen the change was made for |
Reason for Change | In some screens we can record comments in reasons for changes in inventory. Normally captured for TRANSFERS and ADJUSTMENTS IN STOCK. |