Exporting Bills to XERO

This document will show you the step by step process on how to export Bills to Xero.


  1. Open the menu, and select the Accounts screen.



  1. Select the Bills tab, than open Bill export settings.

  1. Please fill in fields with desired information per Trading Entity


  1. Than once results have appeared, select edit/edit all and enter an account code for each type of BILL, and the Tax Type, once completed select “Apply Settings”.

  1. Once settings have been applied, close screen then enter desired search criteria on the bills screen, after results have been displayed please select desired bills to be exported, and press “Export Bills”.

Make sure that to select all if multiple lines have the same bill number and supplier, as indigo8 will only export what is selected.

  1. Once “Export Bills” has been selected, this pop up will appear. The bill can be viewed, or exported from this screen.

This is the view bill screen, which demonstrates what will be sent to Xero, the bill can also be sent to Xero from this screen.

  1. To check whether a bill has been exported, return to the bills screen and scroll the screen to the right, where a field titled “Date Exported” will appear. This field will only be populated for a bill if it has been exported to Xero, and will show the date of being exported.


  1. You may also check for the unexported bills, just navigate to the Status and choose To Be Exporter then Search. This will show all Bills that are not yet exported to XERO.