Linkly Cloud Pairing Guide

Linkly Cloud Pairing Guide

Follow the below steps to successfully pair your Linkly-compatible payment terminal to your iPad POS device.

Compatible payment terminals are:

  • Ingenico Move5000 issued by Suncorp

  • Ingenico Move5000 issued by NAB

  • Ingenico Move5000 issued by Fiserv

Linkly Cloud Credentials:

Step By Step Instructions:

  1. To begin go to Settings > Tax & Numbers > Card payments
    Here you will need to check the box in the Linkly Integration section as well, once that box is ticked you will then be able to select what payment method you want to be integrated.


    If you need to add a new payment type, follow these steps:
    Click +


    Select ‘Use existing Credit Card types’


    In the dropdown, select the correct payment method, turn on the integration for the payment method and save.


    NOTE: If the payment method you want to use is not in the dropdown, please contact head office and ask them to add the payment method for you.

  2. Enter your Linkly Cloud credentials into the ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ section to begin the pairing process. Please keep your username and password on file incase you need to refer to it later



  3. Once you’ve completed up to step 12 in the Linkly Cloud pairing doc (https://www.linkly.com.au/storage/app/media/resources/Cloud_setup_guide.pdf) you will be given a pairing code. Enter the pairing code into the ‘Pair Code’ field of the Linkly details and click ‘Pair to PIN pad'. A pop up will load to tell you if pairing was successful or not.


  4. Every time a payment is processed we check for a token, if there is an instance where the token is appearing blank a pop up will appear to let you know that a new one needs to be manually generate. Pressing ‘Manually generate a token’ button will generate a new token which will help to reconnect.


    NOTE: If you have have multiple devices and terminals. Each terminal needs to connect to a unique login.
    ie. Terminal 1 to username - login1
    Terminal 2 to username - login2

    Each terminal will also have it’s own unique username and password. We recommend the stores label the devices and then also keep note somewhere which username and password are associated with each terminal.

If you are using the same login credentials on multiple devices, all devices will connect to the same terminal



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