How To Purchase A Gift Voucher

How To Purchase A Gift Voucher

  1. To add a voucher to an existing sale select the Voucher button located on the bottom of the screen. From here you can enter the Voucher Code and type in the value of the voucher.


  2. The gift voucher can be assigned to the person making the purchase, the person receiving the gift voucher or it can have no name assigned to it.

    Applying a recipient to the gift voucher
    - To add a recipient to the gift voucher you can search for the persons first name, last name or mobile number and then clicking the Search button OR if the customers details are not yet in the system then you can add them by selecting the New button
    - You will see that once you have selected the person that you want to add, their name will appear green.
    - Once selected click the Apply button to confirm

    - Once applied you will see that the name appears on the gift voucher

    - If you need to change the name of the voucher recipient select ‘Edit Who Voucher Is For’ on the sales screen and it will open the voucher so you can search for a new name. Once the new person has been selected, click Apply.

    Applying no name to a voucher
    - If there is no need to add a name to the voucher then simply enter the voucher code and value
    - Once done select the Apply button
    - This will then prompt a pop up to appear asking if you’re sure that you want to create a gift voucher with no name attached to it. Click ‘Create Voucher Without Name' if you wish to proceed.

    - Once confirmed you will see that the voucher will be added to the sale without a name but if a customer was added to the sale then it will be linked to that name.

  3. A voucher can also be created from the home screen by selecting Cust Credit & Voucher and entering your pin. A pop up will appear giving you the option to create a new voucher or search for an exisiting. In this instance, select Create New Voucher.


  4. This will automatically open a new sale with the voucher pop up window opened. Please follow the above steps.


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