How To Search For A Gift Voucher/Credit Voucher

How To Search For A Gift Voucher/Credit Voucher

  1. Select Cust Credit & Voucher from the home screen and enter your pin


  2. Select ‘Search for Exisiting Voucher/Credit Note’


  3. It will open a new screen where you can search using the below fields:

    - First Name
    - Last Name
    - Mobile
    - Code


  4. Searching by name or mobile will bring up all Gift Vouchers and Credit Vouchers for the customer.


  5. To search for a specific voucher code enter it into the Code field and it will bring up the one voucher.


  6. If a voucher has been redeemed a ‘Show Usage’ button will appear next to voucher. Once clicked a tab will appear on the bottom showing the sales number, date and value.


  7. To open the sale the voucher was redeemed on click on the blue button and it will open the sales order.


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