How To Create A Sale

How To Create A Sale

  1. Click on Sales from the home screen and enter your pin


  2. To begin, add the customer to the sales order by searching for their name or adding the customers details. For more information on this please view the How To Add A Customer help doc.


  3. To begin adding products to the sale there are 3 ways you can search:

    - Scanning the barcode: Put your cursor in the search field next to the drop down and scan the barcode.
    - Typing in the Style ID
    - Typing in the Style Description

    To do this select the blue drop down that will have ‘Barcode’ selected. From here you can then select your preferred search method.


  4. Style Description has been used as the search preference in this instance. You can see that when searching by Style Description it will bring up everything that matches that search criteria.


  5. To add a product to the sale, simply select the desired size of the product and it will then appear on the sale order behind the pop up window.


  6. If two of the one item is being purchased and you need to update the quantity, click inside the Qty text box and a number keypad will appear that will allow you to add the quantity in.


  7. Once you have added all desired products to the sale you are ready to take payment. Please view our other POS help docs to assist with taking payment - Indigo8 POS Support


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