How to Use the Production Overview

How to Use the Production Overview

The Production Overview or Critical Path is used to track your styles through the development process. 

The different steps within your Production Overview will be set up with the help of your Account Manager. 

Searching in the Production Overview

Search By:

1. PO#: Enter in your Purchase Order Number
2. Customer: styles will be populated if a specific customers has been … 
3. PO Creator: You have the ability to search ...
4. Line: You can search for all styles for you specific line/collection
5. Div: Search via division
6. Status: Always pay attention to this field. The status field as two options: Active and Shipped. Active will return all purchase orders that have not been arrived into the warehouse. Shipped purchase orders are those PO’s that have been arrived in to your warehouse
7. Style: search for specific styles and track its development process
8. Supplier: Search for styles that have been assigned to specific suppliers
9. Dropdown bow - Designer - Designer will automatically populate. The next field will then populate with users relating to the item you have chosen in the dropdown
10. Ship From and TO: enter in the Delivery Dates and all styles will appear within the date range 

Using the Production Overview

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