Dispatching Orders

Dispatching Orders

When you're ready to dispatch either one or multiple orders, the dispatch screen will guide you through the process of packing the orders ready for shipment, invoicing and finally closing them. 

Step-by-step guide

1. Click on the arrow and select Warehouse



2. Click on the Dispatch Orders


3. Enter what you wish to search by in the search bar. You can choose to search by one field or by multiple fields to narrow the search further.


4. Next tick the relevant check boxes. You will be able to see from the diagram below that checking the box next to Yellow Orders will retrieve partly filled orders and checking the box next to Green Orders will retrieve fully filled orders. Lastly, not ticking either box will return both completely filled, partly filled and non-allocated orders. For partially invoicing orders, it's best to leave the green box unchecked. 



5. Click Search button at the right side of the screen


6. Check the boxes next to the sales orders you wish to dispatch. If you want to dispatch all the orders, simply check the box next to the 'SO' to select all. Alternatively, you can check the box next to each individual sales order (SO) to select them specifically.


Next, you will be able to see the following buttons under the search bar. The process for dispatching involves clicking each button, starting from left and moving to the right. Note that buttons including Confirm Packed, Shipping, Gen Invoice and Close from Screen are mandatory, and the others are not. 


If you are interested in reading about a specific function, click on its name below to be linked to that part of the article:

Pick Ticket (not mandatory)

A pick ticket is a document that helps staff know what styles to pick off the shelves of the warehouse in preparation for packing the orders. 

1. Click Pick Ticket button


2. The following pop-up will appear, displaying a list of options for the report you want to generate. You will also need to decide if you'd like to print the packing list at the same time. Please make your selection.



3. Click Print at the bottom of the window, it will show the items and quantity per size and color in the report.

The report will be generated as follows:


Confirm Packed Qty (mandatory)

This step determines the quantity of items to be packed. The system will prompt you to choose between the Ordered quantity or the Allocated quantity for the packing of an order.


1. Click Confirm Packed Qty button



2. The following pop up will appear. 

The Sales Order Qty refers to the quantities listed on the sales order. The Allocated Qty refers to the quantity of items entered when the purchase order arrives at the warehouse. Next, you need to decide what should happen if an order isn't fully packed.

  • Selecting ‘Set Orders to FULLY PACKED regardless of un-shipped Qty’ will mark the order as complete, even though the customer won't receive the unshipped items.

  • Alternatively, you can select ‘Set un-shipped items to BACK ORDER’, which will create a back order for the unshipped items and have them delivered to the customer at a later date.

  • Lastly, selecting ‘MOVE un-allocated items to a new shipment’ will create a new shipment for the same sales order, including the quantities of all unallocated items.

Make your selections:


3. Click Confirm button

You will notice that the Packed column now has figures in it.



Packing List (not mandatory)

A packing list is a document that details the items being shipped. Its purpose is to:

  • Ensure the correct items are packed and shipped.

  • Help the recipient verify the shipment and check for missing or damaged items.

  • Assist in inventory management by tracking what has been sent out.


1. To generate the Packing List report, click the PICK TICKET button.


2. The following pop-up will appear. You can select the Packing Lists option and check ‘Use Packed Quantity’ to generate a report with all items and their packed quantities


3. Click Print button. 

The Packing List report will be generated as follows:



Gen Invoice (mandatory)

This button allows you to generate multiple invoices at once. 

1. Click Gen Invoice button


2. If you have the same customer in the sales order, this pop-up will appear asking whether you want to combine or separate the orders.


When you select either the 'Combine' or 'Separate' button, the 'Generating Invoices' pop-up screen will appear.

However, for orders with multiple customers, the pop-up will show Generating Invoices options. You must choose one of these options before proceeding with generating the invoices.


3. Click Generate button. 

The pop-up ‘Generate Invoice Status’ will display with multiple Sales Orders (SO) on the screen. You can review the orders and select the specific one to invoice or ‘Select All’. After selecting, click the 'Invoice Selected' button to begin processing the invoice.


Once the process starts, the progress of the invoice will be shown. This includes the Invoice Number, Invoice Status, Log Status, Fulfillment Status, PDF Status, and Email Status.


The invoices will be generated and will be shown in a preview window.



Retrieve Invoices (not mandatory)

This feature allows you to retrieve invoices that were created at an earlier time and have them emailed to you. 


1 Click OTHER then select ‘Retrieve Invoices’ button


2. The following pop up will appear. ‘Click here to enter Email’ label is clickable, and it will turn into a white text box where you can enter the email address for which you'd like the invoices to be sent.


Hit the Enter/Return key on your keyboard.


3. Click Retrieve button.

Check your email inbox and you will find an email with the invoices enclosed as an attachment.



Close from Screen (mandatory)

This function changes the status of your order to closed. You will only click this button when you have already packed your goods and invoiced them.

1 Click the Close from Screen button



2. The following pop up will appear. Click Yes  if you are about to deliver the selected orders.


If you clicked Yes, you will notice that the orders have been removed from the screen. If you return to the sales order screen, and open the sales order, you will notice the status has changed to 'CLOSED.'



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