Reallocating Stock Quantities

Reallocating Stock Quantities

The stock in a warehouse can either be allocated to customers or available to sell.

While some companies may only order enough to be allocated to their customers, other may order some extra to sell at a later date and this will be held as the Available Stock.

The system allows you to change the allocation. Some reasons why you might want to change the allocation may be that the customer has cancelled their order, you received less stock than your ordered from the supplier or you could have simply made an error when creating the order. 

Step-by-step guide

1. Click on arrow and select Warehouse


2. On the far right hand side of the warehouse screen, there will be a list of warehouses.

Search for the warehouse where the stocks are allocated and click the Warehouse Name eg. 'AD - Warehouse' button.


3. A pop up window will open.

  • Enter the Style that you want to adjust the allocated quantity.

  • Click the Search Button on the side

Refer to the article Searching Items in a Warehouse for more information.


4. Click on the figure in the Alloc column of the style you wish to reallocate stock for. The following pop up window will appear.

You will see the list of Sales Order of different customer that sits the style. Select the boxes in the rows of the customers you wish to move stock between. If you want to move stock from or to Available Qty, tick that box also. Then click the Reassign Allocated Qty button.



NOTE: If you click the Reassign Allocated Qty button without checking any boxes, the window that opens will be blank. You must check at least one box to be able to reassign the stock.


4. The following pop up window will open. You will have 3 options to update the Allocated Quantity.

  • Edit - it will allow you to enter the new quantities in the allocated box manually so you can decide the qty in which size you want to allocate first.

  • Auto Fill - it will allow you to automatically fill in all the size with allocated quantities without entering in the text box for specific SO.

  • Fill All - it will automatically have allocated quantity in All Sales Orders for the item


Note: Since you are about to Reallocate the quantities in the Sales Order, you need to Click the Clear All in the Available Qty to populate on the To Allocate fields, it will be the available qty to use in reallocating stocks.


If you do not have quantities in ‘To Allocate’ fields then you will encounter a pop-up and cannot add any quantity to the size item per order. Click OK and do the Clear All as per the above note.



8. When you are done updating the quantities in the orders, click the Reassign Allocated Qty button at the bottom of the window to save.


9. The following pop up will appear to inform that it was a Successful Reassigning of quantities. Click the OK button.



You will be back to the Allocated Qty’s Screen pop-up where you will be able to see the change in stock quantities. You can see that you have remaining 140 stocks available after you Allocate the 10 quantities to the SO.


In the warehouse when you search the style again, you will see that the Alloc have 10 quantities and your Avail qty is now 140.


Note : If you see the item have already allocated in the warehouse, without reassigning it, please note the system automatically allocated the stock when the purchase order was arrived in and quantity verified.



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