How to create new Trading Entity
This will help you understand how to create the New Trading Entity on the system and how to update the terms and condition for the Sales and Invoice.
Please select the scenario that applies to you from the list below to be taken to the relevant part of the article:
Step by step guide
Click the arrow and click the Settings
The pop up settings will appear, click the Sales Order and under this tab you need to click the Trading Entity tab
Creating the New Trading Entity
Click the Add New Trading Entity and pop up will show.
Company Name - official name of a business that buys and sells products or services.
Short Code - code for the trading entity
Currency - default currency of trading entity
Sales Tax % - default tax when creating sales in system
ABN (Australian Business Number) - It is a unique 11-digit number that businesses in Australia use to identify themselves to the government and other businesses.
Office Entity - select where your office located
PO Price - price listed for your Purchase Order
Sales/Invoice PO Header Image - this will be the logo of the report, need image with dimension of 2400x250px and must be jpeg with 300 DPL (usually user provide the logo and we modified it in our end)
Sales or Invoice Order Terms and Conditions - add the rules that explain how a product or service can be used.
Once the data are added in the screen, click Save button
It will load on the screen and shows the data of the Trading Entity created.
How to Edit the Terms and Condition for Trading Entity
Click the Edit button
In the pop-up screen, you can see the scroll bar on the side, scroll it down to show the invoice terms and condition fields and update them.
Save the changes once done.