Verifying Purchase Order Quantities
When you receive a delivery from a supplier, it would be standard practice to count how many items you received. In some cases, you will find you received exactly the same number of items that you entered on the purchase order. However, more often than not, you will have received either more or less than what entered on the purchase order. And if you received less than you ordered on the purchase order, you will need to consider whether you want give a customer less than what they ordered or whether you want to create a back order for the items so you can send them to the customer in the future. Your situation will determine which steps you need to follow.
Please select the scenario that applies to you from the list below to be taken to the relevant part of the article:
Step-by-step guide
You received EXACTLY the quantity ordered
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
Click on Unverified Deliveries button in the warehouse where the stock you wish to allocate has been arrived in.
A pop up window will open. You can search for the PO number and click the Search button or click the Search button to show all the items that have not arrived. It will show all the styles that have been arrived at, but have not had their quantities assigned. Tick the boxes of the styles where the quantity received was equal to the quantity ordered.
Click Auto Check In button.
You will notice that the style will disappear from the screen. You will also notice that in the background that the quantity of styles in the warehouse will have increased.
You received LESS than what you ordered
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
Click on Unverified Deliveries button in the warehouse where the stock you wish to allocate has been arrived in.
To enter the received quantity of a style, click on the blue 0 under the Rcvd column, in the row of the style
A pop up window will open. There will be the PO Qty directly under the sizes, and the white boxes at the bottom of the columns are where you manually type in what you received.
In the example below, I received 8 XS skirts, instead of the 10 that I ordered; so I typed 8 in the box. I also received only 10 XL skirts, instead of the 15 I ordered, so I typed in 10 in the XL column box. The amount you are short will appear in red under the white box. As you can see I am short 2 skirts in XS and 5 skirts in XL; hence, the red 2 and 5.
There are three buttons on the bottom left side of the screen:
a) Check In (Auto) - The system will decide which customer(s) do not receive their entire order.
b) Check In (Manual) - You decide which customer(s) do not receive their entire order
c) Back Order -You create a back order for the items that have not been received, so that the customer(s) will receive them at a later date
Choose which process you would like to follow from the above options, and read the corresponding instructions:
a) Check In (Auto) - Click the Check In Auto Button to have the system automatically determine which customer(s) misses out
b) Check In (Manual) - Click Check in (Manual) button. A pop up window will open
Click Edit
Once you click Edit, white boxes will appear where you are to enter the assigned quantity. The To Allocate table up the top of the window will tell you how much you have left to allocate.
In the example below, I decided Ange - Lu was a more important customer than KL Store 2; so I made sure that Ange - Lu received all the available skirts, and KL Store 2, missed out. Note that the To Allocate quantity is 0 because all the dresses have been allocated.
Click Done
Click Confirm Allocation of Stock to Orders
The following pop up will appear, showing the total units allocated. Click Ok
c) Back Order or Partially Arriving a Purchase Order
This article guides you through how to arrive in the partially filled purchase order and creating a back order for the items you didn't receive.
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
Click on Unverified Deliveries button in the warehouse where the stock you wish to allocate has been arrived in.
To enter the received quantity of a style, click on the blue 0 under the Rcvd column, in the row of the style
On the RECEIVED QTY screen you will see a back order button at the bottom, this will only be clickable if there is a back order qty as there is for sizes S, we ordered 5 but only received 3, in sizes M, we ordered 12 but we received 6, the supplier will send the remaining next week. So we will put those 8 on back order. In this case instead of using the check in manual button we will use the Back order button.
The following pop up will appear, click Create PO Back Order button
On the allocation screen you will see there is a new line, the back order line. As you fill in the orders the back order will fill in for the appropriate SO as well. In this case we are confirming that we will have 8 pieces on back order.
At the bottom of the screen click ALLOC RCVD & SET BO QTY
After clicking the ‘ALLOC RCVD & SET BO QTY’, it will show you the pop-up confirming the you want to put the remaining units to Back Order. Press OK button.
Now if you go back to the Arrive Purchase Orders, the PO 9578-1 will show, highlighted in Red as it means this is a back orders. You can see a check box in the BO column and the on Pack list qty column is showing the 8 that are on back order.
You received MORE than what you ordered
Click on arrow and select Warehouse
Click on Unverified Deliveries button in the warehouse where the stock you wish to allocate has been arrived in.
To enter the received quantity of a style, click on the blue 0 under the Rcvd column, in the row of the style
A pop up window will open. Enter the received quantities in the white text boxes.
In the example below, I received 10 dressed in the S but only only ordered 3 on the PO, so there's a surplus of 7 dresses. That's why there's a green 7 under the S column.
Click ‘Check In (Manual)’ button to assign the extra stock to a customer(s) order. Alternatively, click Check In (Auto) to assign the items to Available Stock and left in the warehouse not assigned to an order.
Because Check In (Auto) is a one step process, the below example is going to follow the steps if you were to select Check In (Manual)
Click Auto Fill button. This means that the sales order quantity will be allocated. Note that in the To Allocate row, that there is 3 S dresses still to be allocated.
7. Click Confirm Allocation of Stock to Orders
It will be removed in the Unverified Delivery screen and will be successfully show in the warehouse with 3 allocated quantity for the SO# 54194 and 7 available quantity.