How to use Import Supplier Packing List Excel

How to use Import Supplier Packing List Excel

The system lets you add the Pack List quantity to the PO all at once, instead of doing it one by one per style. Just follow the steps below!

Step-by-step guide


  1. Go to the PO screen, search for the existing PO number, and then click on the PO number to open the order.

  1. At the bottom of the PO screen, you'll see the Report button. In the pop-up, click on Packing List and then select Import Supplier Packing List Excel.

  1. You’ll now see the Import screen. You need to choose whether to import the pack list using style or GS1.

Important: You’ll need to have the ready Excel file to use the Import Supplier Packing List Excel. You can use the PO exporter to export the Style, Color, Size, and PO quantity.

  • The fields in red font are required fields.

  • Make sure your file is saved in either .CSV, .XLS, or .XLSX format.

The Excel header should look like this:


  1. Drag and drop the fields onto the screen, then click the Import button.

  1. Once the packs are updated, a 'Success' remark will appear on the Import Summary screen. This will let you know which items have been added to the packed list in the PO.

  2. Once confirmed you can click the Close button

  1. To check if the PO was successfully packed using the import Excel, open the PO, and you'll see that all the items now have a packed list quantity.


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