Customising B2B Website



  • Your B2B Collections will appear in this top section here, we have 2 default tabs INDENT and STOCK.

  • If you wish to create collections with different names, you can hide these tabs here

  • You can set a default collection on one tab, the default collection will be the first collection displayed to the customer or agent when they log in to the B2B.

  • You can create a custom collection by clicking the ‘+’ here

  • Give the new collection a name, and then hit enter to close the edit text box, this will also save your new collection

  • You can delete any customer collections by clicking the cross in the top right corner


  • Set the collection as Indent or Stock

Indent allows the user to order any qty of items, regardless of inventory and will add as an INDENT order

Stock will display the available qtys to the customer and they can only order based on the inventory that is available. The orders will be created as STOCK orders, with reserved inventory, ready to ship right away.


You can add styles to your B2B after the images and descriptions have been added to the styles in the product screen. If you add them to the B2B before setting up the images and descriptions, the style data won’t be carried across to the B2B. 


  • Select the styles in your product screen, open the tab/collection the styles need to be added to and then click GET ITEMS

  • You can drag and drop the styles to rearrange the order

NOTE: When you add new styles, they will automatically be inserted to the top.

EG. to drag and drop drag the style you want to move, and drag it on top of the style you want it to sit in front of
Eg. Drag this style

After dragging


We have two images to add here -

HEADER IMAGE 1280 x 80px (300 DPI)
LOGIN BACKGROUND IMAGE: 1900 x 577px (300 DPI)


Insert the header image here

Insert the login background image here


HEADER 1: 1280 x 80px (300 DPI)
COLLECTION IMAGE: 1900 x 577px (300 DPI)


You can have a unique header image and collection image per tab. If no Header image is assigned for the tab, we will display the default Logo image.

To access your collection page images go to the Tab Header Settings

And drag the images here in the popup



  • You can also edit your announcement bar text in the Tab Header Settings here