Dispatching your Ship from Store Orders

Dispatching your Ship from Store Orders

Using this feature requires Indigo8 staff to complete implementation setup and testing with your team.

  1. Online orders requiring the retail store to ship to the customer will appear here in the POS dashboard
    - New orders will appear Yellow

    - You can refresh this orders using this button

- You can expand the order to view items, by clicking the arrow

2. Confirm the items have been taken off the floor by clicking the green ‘Have It’ Button
- You can confirm by clicking the button ‘I have pulled the item on the floor' or if prompted, by scanning the garment barcode
- Complete these steps for all items on the order
NOTE: If you can’t locate the item in your store, you can click the ‘Don’t have it' Button and it will reallocate the order to the next retail location with inventory. If the item cannot be reallocated the items will be assigned to the default warehouse, where the relevant staff can determine the next steps for those items. It there are items you can ship, they will remain on your screen for you to continue the process of shipping the order.

3. Once you’ve confirmed all items for the order have been pulled from the floor, the ‘Have It’ and ‘Don’t Have It' buttons will turn grey and the order background will change to Blue

4. Once the order is packed, you’re ready to book the shipment and print a label
- Click the ‘Packed & Shipped Orders’ button



-All blue (packed orders) will appear in this screen

- You can select all orders and create multiple shipments using these buttons

- Or you can create each shipment one by one here

- When you create your shipment, you’ll see a loading screen while the POS connects to your Courier APP

- Then you can confirm on this popup

- There will be a confirmation for a successful shipment creation in the status column.

NOTE: If there is an error, there is usually an address issue on the order. The address will need to be corrected on the Sales order in Glass, and then you can attempt to create a booking again.
eg. After confirming the correct address, open the shipping address in Glass and then update the shipping address to Shopify too


- Now you can move to the next tab called 'Shipments for Confirmation & Booking and print your label for the packages

- You can print multiple labels at once, or one label at a time.

- There will be a confirmation on the popup when the labelled is generated

- Then the label PDF will be ready to Print

- If you need to regenerate your label you can click the label button again

- When you are ready to generate your manifest for your courier, you can click ‘Book Now’ for all orders that have ‘Yes’ in the Labelled Column.

- The confirmation popup will show the status of orders

- Click ‘Print Manifest’ to generate the Manifest PDF

Note: Booking the orders will complete these additional steps in Indigo8
- Invoice those items on the sales order
- Remove them from your POS orders dashboard
- Fufill the items on the Shopify order with the tracking number and URL

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