Hilldun Integration

Hilldun Integration

The Hilldun tab will be displayed in the Sales Module if the “Enable Hilldun Integration” checkbox is ticked. This can be accessed via the main Settings > Accounts > Hilldun tab

To configure, Hilldun will provide details for the SFTP directory including:

  • Host Name

  • User Name

  • Password

  • Port Number

And Indigo8 will generate the host key fingerprint. These details will be added onto the below screen.


For each currency (not each trading entity), Hilldun will provide a client code. This must be added onto the above screen. Bank details are optional.


The Hilldun screen will display all sales order against customers that have a Hilldun Debtor Code against their customer card. This field can be found on the integrations tab of the Customer Card.



  • Sales Order created. This will be visible on the Hilldun tab, if the Hilldun Debtor Code field is populated

  • Credit Request sent to Hilldun for the full amount of the sales order

    • User will select one, multiple or all sales orders using the checkboxes in the Credit Request column. And press the Send button

    • The Date Sent column will then be populated

    • Note: user can resend a Credit Request again if required

    • Note: Indigo8 will send a CSV file per currency to the SFTP

  • Hilldun will respond with a Credit Response advising if the amount is approved for that customer

    • Details on the response can be viewing in the Credit response column

    • Note: Credit Responses will be pulled automatically every 12 hours. Or can be pulled manually by pressing the green “Get Hilldun Response” button

  • Deposit Invoice and Tax Invoice created, as appropriate

  • Deposit and Tax Invoices will appear in the Invoice column and be grouped by sales order

    • User will select one, multiple or all invoices using the checkboxes in the Invoice column. And press the Send button

    • The Date Sent column will be populated

    • Note: invoices can be resent

    • Note: Indigo8 will send a csv file per currency. And Indigo8 will send one PDF per Invoice to the SFTP


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